Our Club's Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision ...
To become the most respected, well-visited and responsible bowls/sporting club and community centre within Monash providing a friendly, enjoyable, safe and secure environment for all patrons.
Our Mission ...
To develop an inclusive, welcoming and successful bowls / sporting club and functions centre by providing a range of outdoor and indoor facilities and activities to grow the level of club members and other visitors to the premises, in order to maximize the use of these facilities. To positively contribute to community health through developing an all-weather environment emphasizing the values of a healthy lifestyle, promoting sports, indoor and outdoor activities and competition helping to improve the quality of life
for all who visit our premises.
Our Values ...
• Fostering and embracing an inclusive, non-discriminatory and safe club open to people of all ages, sexes, ethnicities and levels of physical and mental ability
• Fostering a sense of sportsmanship and fair play, whilst seeking improvement in all we do
• Striving for excellence in all forms of Pennant, Tournament and Social bowls competitions
• Making club members feel that they are part of the club family
• Planning for the future, being open to the challenge of new ideas and seeking continuous improvement
• Performing all our activities with absolute integrity
• Being operationally sustainable, environmentally responsible and financially viable
• Working constructively with our sporting partners
• Opening our club to our community by making our facilities available to various institutions and groups, thereby promoting community spirit, social interactions and emotional and physical well-being
• Actively developing opportunities that encourage our community to play sport emphasising sportsmanship and social development of both our youth and adults