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The Club is administered by a Board of Management, comprising: President, Vice Presidents (2), Secretary, Treasurer and four Directors (Bowls, Facilities, Membership and Grounds & Greens). The Board’s responsibilities include: Strategic planning, management and control of all business and finances of the Club, establishing policy and procedures and ensure compliance with local council, state and federal legislation.


The Bowling activities of the Club are under the auspices of a single Bowls Committee, which is chaired by the Bowls Director. Within this committee there is both a Men's and a Ladies Bowls Secretary. Pennant is managed by four selection committees (Tuesday Ladies; Saturday Open; Saturday Ladies and Tuesday Night Mixed). Social bowls is managed through the Men's and Ladies Bowls Coordinators. Indoor bowling is managed by it's own committee, with its Chairman being a member of the Bowls Committee. The Bowls Committee is responsible to the Board for the management and conduct of all bowls activities including Pennant and Social Bowls, Club Championships, Association events and any other special events approved by the Board.


The current organisation was put in place in early 2009, replacing the Committee of Management with a restructured Board of Management and combining the old R.V.B.A. and V.L.B.A. Sections into a single Bowls Committee.

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