Competition Lawn Bowls Midweek Pennant
In season 2024-25 Midweek Pennant we have three sides:
Side 1: Division 2, Section 5, Fixture, Results & Ladder link
Side 2: Division 4, Section 4, Fixture, Results & Ladder link
Side 3: Division 5, Section 6, Fixture, Results & Ladder link
Sides 1-3 have 12 players.
All Pennant fixtures, results and ladders will be available on the Bowls Victoria Bowlslink Competition Portal. When they are available the following will apply:
To access the Bowlslink fixture, results and ladder for each of our sides above click the Fixtures, Results & Ladder link after the appropriate side above.
Also, on your own device you can pin a shortcut to the Portal home screen for quick access to your sides’s Division/Section results & ladder.
To do this:
- Note your side’s Division & Section above and the instructions below.
- Open the Portal by clicking/touching here (or via the BowlsVic website).
- Click/touch your side’s Pennant & Division.
- Click/touch the green *PIN button next to your side’s section.
A shortcut to your side’s results and ladder will appear under PINNED ITEMS on the Portal home screen, on your access device.